Completing the Anti-Inflammatory Picture: Exercise

Over the past two weeks we explored the pros & cons of Ketogenic diet, and I shared with you the core principles of my anti-inflammatory lifestyle. But we haven’t touched on exercise.

Let’s talk about different kinds of exercise and what they’re good for:

1. Moderate continuous training

“Keto Light”: My Basic Anti-Inflammatory Approach

Last week I wrote about my experience doing a strict Ketogenic diet for six weeks. All in all, I found the experience to be a positive one with the exception of how restrictive it felt.

The most important takeaways for me were two:

  1. Keto (when in balance) contains the cornerstones of an anti-inflammatory diet

  2. I generally prefer lifestyle changes that feel loving and supportive…

My 6-Week Keto Experiment: What I learned

If you were around a few weeks ago, you might remember I started a 6-week fitness challenge on August 1st. I am happy to report that my 6 weeks are FINALLY over and I’m very happy with the experience.

But let me tell you what I REALLY learned…

Coconut Oil: "Super food" or "Poison"?

Here we go again. A Harvard teacher said "coconut is poison" and lit up the internet. It's a replay of last summer's hoopla, when USA Today published an article saying coconut oil has never been healthy.

Just like in politics, proclamations about the goodness or evilness of foods are also becoming increasingly polarized. "It's a super food!"  "No! It's poison!" 

"You Are NOT A Victim of Your Genes" ~ Meeting Bruce Lipton

He said it again and again, over the course of the weekend:

"You are NOT a victim of your genes."

This was Bruce Lipton facilitating his workshop at Kripalu, titled "The Grand Convergence of Science and Ancient Religions."