Mastering The Mind-Body Connection: The 1st Step

In mastering the mind-body connection, I’ve found there’s a very helpful first step.

Not all people have access to instantaneous powers of healing. Most of us realize our own power over our body through a natural progression. And for most people it starts here…

Are you up for starting your way into the amazing journey of being the master of your physical health?

It’s quite the journey!

The best place to start is the Vibrant Body, Thriving Life program. Check it out.

Clearing Confusion with EFT & White Light

Lately, I’ve been noticing there’s a lot of confusion in the air. I’ve personally felt some confusion in my life, but also several clients have brought it up. It prompted me to share this video in case some of you out there need a hand with the dense, foggy energy of confusion.

Feel free to write me if you have questions or if you want to dive into this further.

The Power of ONE Word & The Commitment To Do Magic

For several years, I’ve practiced choosing ONE word to encapsulate my intentions for the year.

I’ve found this to be a profound, powerful experience so I created a little video on my YouTube channel as an invitation for you to choose one word as well. You see, I believe that all of us (you, me and everyone else on the planet) are being called to step up to a new level of mastery.

Are you ready to step up to a new level of mastery in 2019 that shows up as greater thriving in every dimension of your life?

The Gifts & Messages In Your Emotions

Imagine yourself as a musical instrument.

Pretend for a moment that you’re a piano, or a guitar, or a drum.

Imagine the edges of your body being the walls of the instrument, and imagine feeling the hollowness inside. Your body as a resonance chamber for the sound the instrument will emit.

Imagine now the music being played, and imagine the waves of sound moving through the instrument. Invisible vibrations that are nonetheless absolutely real. The walls of the instrument feel the sound and move at the frequency of the vibrations from the keys being struck, the strings being pulled, or the hyde of the drum being tapped.

That is exactly what happens with your emotions.