
E.21: Part II - Healing the Body with Sound & Electricity

with Eileen Day McKusick


Episode Notes:

In this part of our conversation Eileen dives into specific topics, such as:

  • How she detects depression and bipolar, and what she can do about it

  • What group Biofield Tuning calls are like and why they work

  • How most people carry shame and hate energy —whether they own it or they’re projecting it onto others

  • What the emotion of hate does to the heart

  • Autoimmune conditions and their link to self-love

  • How the body exchanges information with the environment through water

  • How many people view self-love and self-care as selfish and why that’s a distortion

To learn more about Eileen, find a Biofield Tuning practitioner or sign up for one of Eileen’s Biofield Tuning calls, you can go to her website.