
EFT for the Feeling of 'Stuckness & Hopelessness

We all have an area of our lives that challenges us more than others. When you've been trying really hard to change something in your life, and it simply won't budge (be it health, money, career, relationship)... it can leave you feeling hopeless that you'll ever have what you so deeply desire.

Those of us who've known what it's like to feel stuck for many years, we know how painful it is to be there. How massive the hopelessness can feel.

This is for you, if you've known that place, or you've been in that place.

A Disjointed View of Life Can Keep You Stuck...

There's a void, an emptiness, a dissatisfaction a lot of people are feeling.

For some people, things are simply not going well in life (health issues, money woes, unhappy at work). For others, it's more subtle ("I have everything I could possibly want, but there's still an emptiness")...

But the way we go about filling the void is really ineffective... we look for answers in a disjointed way, as if nothing in our life were connected...

But everything IS connected!

And any bit of unhappiness can tell you A LOT about your deeper yearnings that will point you towards the interconnectedness of life.

This is what we’re doing in Reboot Your Life! We’re going to look at hitting the “reset button” on all of life.

Are You Shooting Your Symptom Messengers?

Are you listening to your body's messages?

Or are you shooting the messenger with pills, trying to make the symptom disappear?

This was the massive realization I had over 12 years ago, which led to finally resolving my cystic acne, my hormone issues, and later my chronic allergies... What is your body trying to tell you?

*** Sorry about the pixilated video! :( I was about to redo it, and then the yurt filled up with chatty people… I think the angels are telling me to allow my imperfection to be. Hope you can still get the message, despite the grainy-ness.

Start taking steps to listen to your body's messages and resolve your health issues for good. If you're ready to start now, join me in January for Reboot Your Life - A Clean Start Detox for your Body, Mind, Heart & Spirit.

The "F word" That Is Key To Healing

Nobody even thinks about this “F word” as being key to healing EVERY dimension of life.

Let me tell you about it…

And now that you know what is the key to healing that you haven’t looked at, let me take you on the journey towards being able to release some MASSIVE stuck energy from your life.

It’s all in this week’s podcast episode:

E.32 ~ Forgiveness: The Key To Healing & Thriving

Love vs. Fear = Health Care vs. Sick Care

I'm listening to Anita Moorjani's second book, What If This Is Heaven? 

It has powerfully reminded me of something I've written about before, but this message is the cornerstone of all of health, and frankly happiness in all of life. So unless we're enjoying perfect health and a miraculous life, there's something here for each of us.