The Power of Emptiness vs. Being Consumed with the Material World

What helps us heal? What is the magic that helps us transform? How do we awaken?

The Tao speaks of being vs. non-being --in other words, of the material world vs. emptiness (or presence)-- and it says that though we see and engage with the material, what really matters is the emptiness (the experience, our inner presence).

In order to awaken, to heal and transform...

Polarity: Finding Peace in the Midst of Hard Times

Today I want to talk about how the nature of our universe is one of polarity. My simple metaphor illustrating the nature of polarity in all life might help you navigate the current challenging times.

Coronavirus has upended all of our lives, but it doesn't have to translate into fear, or overwhelm about the future. There are many ways in which we can actually find beauty, peace and strength in the midst of this.

Centeredness Boosts Immunity

We live in interesting times, don't we?

This global pandemic experience is certainly uniting all of humanity in a way no event I can think of has ever done. Can you think of any other time where all around the world, humanity was all on the same side, with the same uniting experience? Save from alien invasion movies, I think we'd be hard pressed to find another event quite like this.

It's also bringing out the best in people.

The Return of The Light

Today is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. As of tomorrow, the days start getting longer, and the nights shorter. 

Having grown up in Venezuela, I had no awareness of the winter and summer solstices. In the tropics, there is no great variation in the length of days throughout the year. We only have a vague awareness that in December, dusk comes about 6:00 pm instead of 6:30 pm. 

But I actually find deep meaning in the solstice. 

5 Gifts I Gave Myself In Ireland… that are bound to change my life

As you may know from my last blog post, I’ve been moving through deep grief in the past few months. And even though I’ve been finding some wonderful gifts brought about by the process of grief, it also gets quite crushing and I needed something to help me reset.

So I went to Ireland for twelve days.

The initial impetus for the trip was to …