The Power of Emptiness vs. Being Consumed with the Material World

What helps us heal? What is the magic that helps us transform? How do we awaken?

The Tao speaks of being vs. non-being --in other words, of the material world vs. emptiness (or presence)-- and it says that though we see and engage with the material, what really matters is the emptiness (the experience, our inner presence).

In order to awaken, to heal and transform...

Polarity: Finding Peace in the Midst of Hard Times

Today I want to talk about how the nature of our universe is one of polarity. My simple metaphor illustrating the nature of polarity in all life might help you navigate the current challenging times.

Coronavirus has upended all of our lives, but it doesn't have to translate into fear, or overwhelm about the future. There are many ways in which we can actually find beauty, peace and strength in the midst of this.


It's election day today. The anxiety is reaching fever pitch and it is palpable in the air.

We're all no-doubt looking to put this election behind us, and yet perhaps more than any other election in the past, there's a good chance that no matter the outcome, a large portion of the country will be very unhappy with the result.


I have a confession to make.

I am not very consistent about ANYTHING.

I have a stack of unfinished books in my room. I am terrible at taking supplements. I've never kept a given morning practice going for too long... for a while it was morning pages, it's also been meditation, empowerment visualizations... and for the past few months nothing.

I've known about my lack of consistency for most of my life, but it's only been in the past couple of years that I have come to fully own it.